Pass By Meaning

The next pass by the rings' outer edges is planned for Dec. (Over Saturn's Turbulent North, NASA) Florence is the largest asteroid to pass by our planet this close since the NASA program to detect and track near-Earth asteroids began. To go onwards or move by or past (a person, thing, etc) 2. To run, extend, or lead through, over, or across (a place): the route passes through the city. To go through or cause to go through (an obstacle or barrier): to pass a needle through cloth. Suicide is an escape from the invisible chains that are the values and aspirations of others: the world's applause has no value if they can't understand what it means. Hold up your riches to challenge them. To happen without affecting somebody/something She feels that life is passing her by (= that she is not enjoying the opportunities and pleasures of life). The whole business passed him by (= he was hardly aware that it was happening). See pass by in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary.

передача (параметров) по ссылке

Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь. 2001.

Смотреть что такое 'pass-by-reference' в других словарях:

  • pass# — pass vb Pass, pass away, elapse, expire mean to move or come to a termination or end. Pass and pass away imply gradual or gentle movement to another state or condition; they often imply a transition from life to death but they may suggest a… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Pass the Dutchie — Single by Musical Youth from the album The Youth of Today … Wikipedia

  • Pass Labs — is a high end audio company based in Foresthill, California, USA founded by Nelson Pass, a well known figure in the high end audio community. Pass is known for unique and innovative, as well as practical, circuit designs.Pass founded, and worked… … Wikipedia

  • Pass|o|ver — «PAS OH vuhr, PAHS », noun. 1. the paschal lamb, the sacrifice formerly offered in the Temple at Passover (in the Bible, II Chronicles 30:15). 2. Figurative. Christ, the Paschal Lamb: »Christ our passover is sacrificed for us (I Corinthians 5:7) … Useful english dictionary

  • pass|o|ver — «PAS OH vuhr, PAHS », noun. 1. the paschal lamb, the sacrifice formerly offered in the Temple at Passover (in the Bible, II Chronicles 30:15). 2. Figurative. Christ, the Paschal Lamb: »Christ our passover is sacrificed for us (I Corinthians 5:7) … Useful english dictionary

  • pass — passless, adj. /pas, pahs/, v.t. 1. to move past; go by: to pass another car on the road. 2. to let go without notice, action, remark, etc.; leave unconsidered; disregard; overlook: Pass chapter two and go on to chapter three. 3. to omit the… … Universalium

  • pass — 1. v. & n. v. (past part. passed) (see also PAST). 1 intr. (often foll. by along, by, down, on, etc.) move onward; proceed, esp. past some point of reference (saw the procession passing). 2 tr. a go past; leave (a thing etc.) on one side or… … Useful english dictionary

  • Reference (computer science) — This article is about a general notion of reference in computing. For the more specific notion of reference used in C++, see Reference (C++). In computer science, a reference is a value that enables a program to indirectly access a particular… … Wikipedia

  • pass — {{11}}pass (n.1) mountain defile, c.1300, from O.Fr. pas step, track, from L. passus step, pace (see PACE (Cf. pace) (n.)). {{12}}pass (n.2) written permission to pass into, or through, a place, 1590s, from PASS (Cf. pass) (v.). Sense of … Etymology dictionary

  • Reference re Firearms Act — SCCInfoBox case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) full case name=Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) heard date=February 21, 22, 2000 decided date=June 15, 2000 citations= [2000] 1 S.C.R. 783, 2000 SCC 31 history= none (Reference question)… … Wikipedia

  • pass point — Survey. a point located photogrammetrically and used as a reference point in orienting other photographs. * * * … Universalium


  • Fiber Optics Installer (FOI) Certification Exam Guide, Bill Woodward. Pass the FOI exam with a strong foundation in fiber optic technology Fiber Optics Installer (FOI) Certification Exam Guide gives you a solid foundation in fiber optics and thorough… ПодробнееКупить за 4632.26 рубэлектронная книга
  • Cambridge Grammar and Vocabulary for the TOEIC Test with Answers: Self-study. Grammar and Vocabulary Reference and Practice + 2 CD (+ Audio CD), Gear Jolene. Are you preparing for the TOEIC(r) Test? Are you looking for extra support to help you pass the test with confidence? Written by experienced TOEIC(r) teachers, Cambridge Grammar and… ПодробнееКупить за 2468 грн (только Украина)
  • Grammar and Vocabulary for the TOEIC Test With answers Self-study grammar and vocabbulary reference and practice 2CD, Gear J., Gear R.. Are you preparing for the TOEIC(r) Test? Are you looking for extra support to help you pass the test with confidence? Written by experienced TOEIC(r) teachers, Cambridge Grammar and… ПодробнееКупить за 1967 руб
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Synonym For Pass By

  • 1other side

    American:flip side(What kind of music do you have on the <b>flip side</b> of the tape?)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >other side

  • 2Other Side Of Creativity

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >Other Side Of Creativity

  • 3Test other side

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >Test other side

  • 4countersink other side

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >countersink other side

  • 5spot-face other side

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >spot-face other side

  • 6не оказать помощи

    General subject:pass by on the other side, withhold help, withhold one's help

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >не оказать помощи

  • 7не проявить сочувствия

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >не проявить сочувствия

  • 8поплатиться жизнью

    pay for smth. with one's life

    - Этот патруль - на том берегу - должен был пройти на полчаса позже. Понимаешь?.. Значит, или немцы сменили режим охранения или мы что-то напутали. А мальчишка в любом случае может поплатиться жизнью. (В. Богомолов, Иван) — 'That patrol - on the other side - it was due to pass half an hour later. Understand? That means, either the Germans have changed their outpost routine, or else we've made a mess of it. In either case the kid may pay for it with his life.'

    Русско-английский фразеологический словарь >поплатиться жизнью

  • 9обратная сторона Луны

    The far (orback, ordark, orinvisible, orother) side of the Moon.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика >обратная сторона Луны

  • 10побочный эффект

    There were otherside actions (oreffects) as well.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика >побочный эффект

  • 11побочное действие

    There were otherside actions (oreffects) as well.

    Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика >побочное действие

  • 12С другой стороны, ...

    General subject:On the other side of the coin,... (- balancing arguments)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >С другой стороны, ...

  • 13Соседняя очередь всегда движется быстрее

    Graphic expression:The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >Соседняя очередь всегда движется быстрее

  • 14Трава всегда кажется зеленее по ту сторону забора

    Set phrase:The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence(или «Везде хорошо, где нас нет»)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >Трава всегда кажется зеленее по ту сторону забора

  • 15быть в другом лагере

    General subject:be on the other side of the fence, to be on the other side of the fence

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >быть в другом лагере

  • 16в чужих руках ломоть велик

    Set phrase:a morsel always looks big in other people's hands, another man's bun looks much more fun, grass is always greener on the other side of the fence(used ironically to mean: a thing always looks more attractive when it belongs to other people), grass is always greener on the other side of the hill (used ironically to mean: a thing always looks more attractive when it belongs to other people)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >в чужих руках ломоть велик

  • 17везде хорошо, где нас нет

    Set phrase:blue are the hills that are far from us(contrast: who leaves the old way for the new, will find himself deceived. better the devil you know than the devil you don't know), grass is always greener on the other side of the fence (used (often: ironically) to mean: life is better where we are not), that place is best of all where we haven't been at all

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >везде хорошо, где нас нет

  • 18главный водораз

    General subject:continental divide(USA: The continental divide is where on one side of the continental divide water runs to the east of America and on the other side all of the water runs to the west into the Pacific.)

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >главный водораз

  • 19гомосексуалист

    1) General subject:Sodomite, effeminate, faggot, fairy, fruitcake, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, invert, nance, nancy, pansy, queer, sodomite, (особенно сл. часто) three-dollar bill, uranism, male-who-goes-to-bed-with-males, banana crammer
    3) Colloquial:a male gay, camp, gay
    5) British English:mincer(gay man)
    7) Australian slang:nancy boy, poo jabber, poofter
    9) Abbreviation:sod(от sodomite)
    10) Jargon:bird, fag, faggart faggot, faggart fagot, flower, fluter, frit, gobbler, lightfooted, lily, mola, nola, pato, poof, quean, queen(особенно привлекательный для гомосексуалистов, играющих роль мужчины), raver, soft butt, swish, twink, weirdo, gaylord ('королева геев'), bale (Don't bother Britany - he's bale. Не беспокойся Британи-он гомик.), Ted (He's a bit Ted.), first (He's a right first.), doctor (He’s a bit of a doctor.), tin roof (I think he might be a tin roof.), Finlay (That boozer is Finlay ub.), behind with the rent (You're not behind with the rent?), sailor (В фильме Full Metal Jacket: Only faggots and sailors are called Lawrence! - 'Только пидоров и гомосеков зовут Лоуренсами!'), as queer as a nine bob note, pouf, pooh pusher, bet for other side, bitch, capon, f-a-g, flit, flute, fly ball, freak, fruit, fruit-cake, fruity, girl, mintie (особенно мужеподобная, агрессивная лесбиянка), mother, pix, pogey, pogie, pogy, queered, three-letter man, willie
    11) Taboo:Dorian, Irish by birth but Greek by injection(см. Greek), Joey, K, KY cowboy (от названия крема KY Jelly, часто используемого для смазки при анальном сексе), Mary Ann, Miss Thing, Oscar (по имени писателя Оскара Уайльда), Peter Pansy, Q, angel (особ. играющий доминирующую роль), ass-fucker, babe, baby face, back door conquistador, bananas, battyman, bender, bertie, bird-tacker, blade, bona omi (см. naff omi, polone), booty bandit, botter, bottler (см. bottle), botty boy, brown pipe engineer, brown-hatter, brownie, brownie hound, brunser, buftie-boy, bum bandit, bum-boy, bumhole engineer, bunker, burglar, cannibal, charley, chocolate bandit (см. cadbury canal, hershey highway), chocolate chimney sweep, chocolate shark angler, chocolate speedway racer, chutney ferret, clone (обычно в костюме водителя грузовика, рабочего, ковбоя), cocoa sombrero (см. brown hat), confirmed bachelor, cum chum, dandy, degenerate, donut puncher, dung-puncher, effie, enema bandit, exhaust pipe engineer, eye doctor, eye opener, faggart, faggot (в Великобритании это слово обозначает 'вязанка хвороста'), fagola, fagot (в США это слово обозначает 'вязанка хвороста'), farley, fart knocker, fart-catcher, faygele, fillet, fish, flyball, four-letter man (от homo), freckle-puncher, friend of Dorothy (см. Dorothy's friends), fudge-packer, funny man, gentleman of the back door, gonef, good buddy, gut-fucker, half a man, handbag, haricot, he-haw (игра слов на he-whore q.v. и hee-haw - крик ишака, который имеет большие гениталии), hershey bar (см. cadbury canal; от названия компании, производящей популярные шоколадки), hitch hiker on the Hershey highway, homie, horse's hoof (см. iron hoof), inspector of manholes, iron, jacksie rabbit, jaisy, jam fag, jammer, jere, jolly (см. gay), joy boy, kakpipe cosmonaut, kiki, kinky, knight, lapper, lavender, lavender boy, left-footer, less-than-nothing (с точки зрения гетеросексуального мужчины), lickbox, like that, limp wrist, maama man, man's man, maricon (исп.), marmite miner, meat-hound, midnight cowboy, misfit, mo, molly, mouser, mud-packer, muddy funster, muzzler (особ. феллятор), neuter gender, nine-bob-note, nudger, omee-polone, one of those, painted Willie, pansy (особ. пассивный), pearl-diver, person of uncertain gender, pervert, pervy, pickle chuggler, pillow biter (от мнения о болезненности анального секса и необходимости кусать подушку, чтобы сдержать крик), pipe cleaner, pogue, ponce, poncey, poo packer, puff, pug, punce, pure silk, pussy Nellie, pussy-bumper, quack, quean (особ. пассивный), queen (особ. пассивный), queer one, quim (особ. пассивный), reamer, rear-admiral, ring bandit, ring snatcher, roger ramjet, rump ranger, salami smuggler, sausage jockey (a man who 'rides' 'sausages'), semen demon, sex boy, she-man, sheepherder, shirt lifter, shirtlifter, shit stabber, shit-hunter, shit-poke, skippy (особ. пассивный), snake, soft boy, stem-wheeer, stern-chaser, stern-wheeler, stir-shit, stoke-on-trent, sucker, sweet, sweet homo, tail gunner, tan-tracker, tea pot, thing, third sexer, three legged beaver (употр. водителями-дальнобойщиками), three-dollar bill, three-letter man (подразумевается fag q.v.), tommy, tonk, trapeze artist, truck driver, turd burglar, turd-walloper, tusk, twilight personality, undercover man, uphill gardener, usher of the back-door, vache (от фр. 'корова'), vert, waffle, what?, wooftah, woofter, woolie woofter, woolly-woofter, works (pl), wuss (обыч. держащий свои наклонности в секрете), zippersniffer, arse-bandit, brownhatter, brown owl, beefer
    12) Phraseological unit:back gammon player, bat for the other team

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >гомосексуалист

  • 20дорожный знак направление объезда препятствия

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь >дорожный знак направление объезда препятствия

  • 1

См. также в других словарях:

  • pass by on the other side — British & Australian to ignore a person who needs help. We cannot just pass by on the other side when we know people are suffering like this … New idioms dictionary

  • pass over to the other side — Meaning Euphemism for dying. Origin … Meaning and origin of phrases

  • The Other Side of the Hedge — is a 1911 narrative short story by E. M. Forster. Written in the first person, The Other Side of the Hedge concerns the efforts of a modern day person who is concerned and/or consumed with achieving the goals he has set out for himself while… … Wikipedia

  • The Other Side (Hercules episode) — Infobox Television episode Title= The Other Side Series= Season=2 Episode=208 Airdate=30 October, 1995 Production= Writer=Robert Bielak Director=George Mendeluk Guests=Michael Hurst (Charon) Sarah Wilson (Demeter) Prev=The Mother of All Monsters… … Wikipedia

  • The Other Side of Daybreak — Infobox Album | Name = The Other Side of Daybreak Type = Compilation Album Artist = Beth Orton Released = 2003 Recorded = 2002 2003 Genre = Rock, Pop, Downtempo Label = Astralwerks Producer = Beth Orton, Victor Van Vugt, Ben Watt Reviews = *… … Wikipedia

  • cross over to the other side — die, kick the bucket, pass away Some people cross over to the other side and return! … English idioms

  • The Other Ones — For the 1980s band, see The Other Ones (Australian German band). For the novel by Jean Thesman, see The Other Ones (novel). The Other Ones Origin San Francisco, California, USA Genres Rock Years active 1998–2002 … Wikipedia

  • On the Other Hand, Death — Written by Gillian Horvath Ron McGee Richard Stevenson Directed by Ron Oliver Starring Chad Allen Sebastian Spence Margot Kidder Daryl Shuttleworth … Wikipedia

  • pass — [c]/pas / (say pahs) verb (passed or, Rare, past, passing) –verb (t) 1. to go by or move past (something). 2. to go by without acting upon or noticing; leave unmentioned. 3. to omit payment of (a dividend, etc.). 4. to go or get through (a… … Australian-English dictionary

  • The Vanishing Dead — Infobox Television episode Title= The Vanishing Dead Series= Season=1 Episode=111 Airdate=24 April, 1995 Production=76610 Writer=Andrew Dettman Daniel Truly Director=Bruce Campbell Guests=Reb Brown (Jarton/Ares) Erik Thomson (Daulin) Amber Jane… … Wikipedia

  • The Pianist (memoir) — The Pianist is a memoir written by the Polish musician of Jewish origins Władysław Szpilman. He tells how he survived the German deportations of Jews to extermination camps, the 1943 destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto, and the 1944 Warsaw Uprising… … Wikipedia

Pass By Meaning


  • The Cambridge Companion to Human Rights Law, Gearty Conor. Human rights are considered one of the big ideas of the early twenty-first century. This book presents in an authoritative and readable form the variety of platforms on which human rights law… ПодробнееКупить за 2765 руб
  • The Other Side of Silence, Kerr Philip. Bernie Gunther has done various jobs since the war. Now it`s the 1950s and he`s working in a hotel on the Cote D`Azur. It`s winter, and the Riviera is empty and a little sad. In a bar one… ПодробнееКупить за 1640 грн (только Украина)
  • The Other Side of Silence, Kerr Philip. Bernie Gunther has done various jobs since the war. Now it's the 1950s and he's working in a hotel on the Cote D'Azur. It's winter, and the Riviera is empty and a little sad. In a bar one… ПодробнееКупить за 1268 руб

As Years Pass By Meaning