Sophos Exchange

Sophos exchange program

This topic explains how to set up Microsoft Office 365 to route email through Sophos Email.

Sophos Email on Sophos Central: Setup instructions for Exchange (Outbound) KB-000038101 03 6, 2020 0 people found this article helpful.

Add your domain and verify ownership

  1. This topic explains how to set up Microsoft Exchange and all other email clients to route email through Sophos Email. Add your domain and verify ownership You need to add your domain details. You need to provide the following information when configuring Sophos Email to process and deliver email for your domain.
  2. Sophos has published an analysis of samples of DearCry ransomware: DearCry attacks exploit Exchange server vulnerabilities. The article outlines some new and interesting discoveries about its encryption behaviour and more. Microsoft Exchange Servers are increasingly becoming the target of ransomware attacks.
  3. Mar 08, 2021 Four new zero-day vulnerabilities affecting Microsoft Exchange are being actively exploited in the wild by HAFNIUM, a threat actor believed to be a nation state. Anyone running on-premises Exchange Servers should patch them without delay, and search their networks for indicators of attack. Sophos protections against HAFNIUM.

You need to add your domain.

SophosSophos exchange rateNote You will need to provide the following information when configuring Sophos Email to process and deliver email for your domain:
  • Your email domain name
  • Your mail delivery destination host as a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or IP address
  • The port number used to listen for SMTP traffic on the mail delivery destination host

To find your FQDN for Office 365: Finereader pro for mac.

  • Log into the Office portal.
  • Select Domains.
  • Copy the value displayed for the expected MX record.
    Note The format is normally <yourdomain-com>

To add a domain in Sophos Central, do as follows:

  1. Click Email Gateway > Settings.
  2. Click Domain Settings/Status.
  3. Click Add Domain.
  4. Enter your email domain details, the direction of traffic, and delivery destination details.
  5. Next, click Verify Domain Ownership.
  6. Copy the TXT value presented in the Verify Domain Ownership dialog.
  7. Create a TXT DNS record in the root level of the domain name you entered earlier and paste the TXT value that you copied earlier.You can give it the same TXT name as shown or use @. If you're not sure how to do this, contact the organization that registered your domain name.
  8. Once the new TXT DNS record entry is saved, click Verify.

Once the DNS update with the correct TXT value is propagated, a message is returned indicating that domain verification was successful.

Sophos Exchange Online Powershell Module

If the DNS update has not yet propagated, or if the value entered is incorrect, a failure message is returned. Confirm that the value entered is correct.

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Note The domain verification process may take some time to complete.